Draw Mondrian Art with coding at www.wescheme.org

Mondrian Art Example 2

The graphic image below right was created by the programming code on the left.  See below image for complete copy of the code.


Actual editable code http://tinyurl.com/mondrian-ex2

Ex2 screen capture

;;Coding Mondrian like art (image 2)
;;This code is written to run in WeScheme programming environment
;;any word/s after semicolon is a comment, when you press enter the next lines begins as code

;;create background rectangle
(define blank (rectangle 400 400 "solid" "black"))
;;To create a graphic image, think about layering from the bottom up. 
;;This means that the last item drawn will be the first "put-image" command
;;Horizontal line1
(define Mond2
  (put-image  (rectangle 0 0 "solid" "black") 20 20
;;Horizontal line2
              (put-image  (rectangle 380 8 "solid" "black") 200 90 
;;Horizontal line3
              (put-image  (rectangle 380 8 "solid" "black") 200 180
;;Horizontal line4
              (put-image  (rectangle 152 8 "solid" "black") 246 35
;;Vertical line1
              (put-image  (rectangle 7 380 "solid" "black") 230 200 
;;Vertical line1
              (put-image  (rectangle 10 380 "solid" "black") 175 200 
;;Vertical line2
               (put-image  (rectangle 8 166 "solid" "black")  325 93 ;;blue block
              (put-image (rectangle  62 95 "solid" "blue")  360 135
;yellow block               
              (put-image  (rectangle 52 90 "solid" "yellow") 200 138
;;red block
              (put-image  (rectangle 160 137  "solid" "red")  90 320 
;;white block
              (put-image  (rectangle 390 390  "solid" "white")  200 200